
The paradigm of a healthy life in the modern era, is already highly developed, ranging from traditional medicine, modern medicine, as well as a variety of alternative medicine has taken a balanced role in world public health. We are thankful that there are no more gaps in the role and function, so that people who are intelligent coupled with information easily available, to determine their own way to health.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Black Cumin, black small but Powerful

Blogger friend,

Black Cumin Seeds
This time I'll share a little about the black cumin, fortuitously we are black cumin loyal customers, according to experience my wife, if she had started to cough, then just drink black cumin (plus turmeric) 2-3 times as much as 50-10 grains; within 1x24 hours, will be out slam / mucus from the chest, sometimes when severe, it is colored black snot like dead blood gore.

Black Cumin Plant
the size of black cumin 
Black seed (Nigella sativa Linn.) or black Cumin widely known by various names, including black caraway, natura seed, nigella sativa, kaluduru, etc, is the spice black bean-shaped granules which can be used as a medicinal plant. This herb has been known for thousands of years ago and is widely used by people of India, Pakistan and the Middle East to treat various diseases, and ingredients of black cumin are Sterol (synthesis and bioactivity), hormones, Omega 3, 6 and 9, Thymohydroquinone, Carvone, Limonine, Cymene, Alkoids, Saponins, Amino Acid.

Black cumin believed to have many benefits, in Muslim hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim religion of Islam, and the issue of Easton's Bible, the Old Testament in the Book of Isaiah (28:25,27, NKJV), black cumin has long been studied and used as medicine with various benefits.

Incredibly, the efficacy of black cumin has also been studied in modern scientific journals, and usefulness is very surprising, i.e., mostly for some dangerous disease, and its nutrients are very effective for the body. Including the following:

1.       Cure various kinds of respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, easy fatigue, chronic cough and other respiratory diseases.

2.       Overcome sleep disorders and stress; Elements Sapion, which is in black cumin, serves as corticosteroids that can influence carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as affect the functioning of the heart, kidneys, muscles of the body, and nerves. Sapion serves to defend themselves from environmental changes, sleep disorders, relieve stress, and launched a breast milk (research Potchestroom, 1989).

3.       Improve brain function; with linoleic acid content (Omega 6) and linolenic acid (Omega 3), black cumin is nutrition for the brain cells that is useful to improve memory, intelligence, and the relativity of brain cells so as not to go senile, also repair micro / circulation blood to the brain, and it is suitable given to children and the elderly age of growth.

4.       Strengthen the immune system from virus attacks, Germs and Bacteria (Research Dr. Ahmad Al Qadhy, 1986 and other research reports as listed in the Journal of Pharmacy Pakistan, 1992).

5.       Defend the body against cancer and HIV (Prof. results. G Reitmuller, Director of the Institute Immonologi from the University of Munich and a separate report from the research team of Dr. Basil Ali, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia, as well as research reports Immono Biology Laboratory, California, USA. Other reports suggested that Black Seed can stop the growth of tumor cells).

6.       As an Anti Histamine & Anti-Allergy (Based on research Chakravaty Nirmal MD 1993, and another study by Dr. Med. Peter Schleincher, immonologi expert from the University of Munich).

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cock, Legs, Stomach and Turmeric

Cemani Cock
This morning I saw a neighbor cock a difficult walk, his legs stiff, and the way such as forced, I tried over and the cock did not flee, surrender quietly arrested.  After I noticed, that cock looks healthy and fresh, the cock owner neighbor later told me, that the cock had just recovered from the " paralysis " because they never removed from the cage, cock it does look manly and fierce, according to its owner, like pecking at their feet passing nearby, and often make noise if there is a passing cat or dog. I was stunned; Cemani cock is great too huh? Cemani cock is a big cock and black all over his body, believed to have efficacy and is often used traditional ceremonies associated with magic.  Wow, really scary...

Seeing what happened, I then recalled that during childhood, the incidence of paralytic foot cock I've also experienced, my brother happened to have a cock that fierce, and paralyzed his legs due to often locked up in cages.  Uniquely, the cock leg could heal and recover faster with the grated turmeric smeared.  At that time I did not realize, the content of what is in the turmeric until cock is able to make it heal?

When I was in high school, I also ever found my friends and teachers who like to chew turmeric in school, they said; turmeric may relieve abdominal pain due to stomach ulcers, that is namely; stomach ache due to eating late, so the stomach acid make hurt stomach and stung if late meal.  Likewise when my wife gave birth, my mother -in-law always make turmeric water mixed with honey as a great nutritious drink for my wife, she said, honey turmeric water that can make wounds heal faster after giving birth and her uterus back to normal.

turmeric leaf
Not unexpectedly, there are many benefits of turmeric, I hear, turmeric is also used as a main component in modern medicine.  I still only heard, it is unclear how the manufacturing process and for any disease of turmeric was used.  From the article I read in www.apoteker.info, turmeric was able to relieve pain, can slow the spread of breast cancer to the lungs and other body parts, are also able to reduce insulin resistance and prevent type 2 diabetes in mice in the laboratory.  In addition, turmeric is also useful for skin care and beauty, and some sunscreen formulations in fact contain turmeric.

I believe, many other studies on turmeric and usefulness, I hope my sharing useful. Thanks.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Flax seeds plant and its components

Hello blogger friend

This time I 'll share a little about the flax seed, in our area of Jakarta, flax seed is widely known through its oil, and little is known more in flax seeds for food.  Such as olive oil or wheat oil, flax seed is used for skin rejuvenation, but it is also good material for processed foods

Flax Seeds Capsule
Flax seeds come in two basic varieties: (1) brown; and (2) yellow or golden. Flax seeds produce a vegetable oil known as flaxseed or linseed oil, which is one of the oldest commercial oils, and solvent-processed flax seed oil has been used for centuries as a drying oil in painting and varnishing. One hundred grams of ground flax seed supplies about 450 kilocalories, 41 grams of fat, 28 grams of fiber, and 20 grams of protein. Flax seed sprouts are edible, with a slightly spicy flavor. 

Excessive consumption of flax seeds with inadequate water can cause bowel obstruction. Ground flax seeds can go rancid at room temperature in as little as one week. Even after storage under conditions similar to those found in commercial bakeries, trained sensory panelists could not detect differences between bread made with freshly ground flax and bread made with ground flax stored for four months at room temperature. Ground flax is remarkably stable to oxidation when stored for nine months at room temperature and for 20 months at ambient temperatures under warehouse conditions. 

The three main components in flax seeds and its benefits:
Flax Seeds Biji Rami
(1) Fiber, flax seeds contain fiber, both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber 
(2) Lignans, flax seeds contain 75-800 times more lignans than other plant foods.  Lignans are phytoestrogens that can increase levels of good estrogen such as estradiol, which protect women from heart disease, bone loss, and vaginal dryness.  Research has discovered other benefits of lignans, which is able to prevent hair loss and acne, keeping cholesterol and blood sugar balanced, and also acts as antioxidants.  Hemp oil contains small amounts of lignans.  
(3) omega-3 fatty acids (good fats that are useful to maintain a healthy heart), One tablespoon of flax seed that has been smoothed contains about 1.8 grams of omega -3 plant.  The content of omega - 3 and omega - 6 in flax seeds oil can reduce inflammation and are used to restore skin elasticity, and oil from hemp seed can also overcome the problem of acne and psoriasis.  Plus, the content of antioxidants present in it actively prevents skin cancer and softens the skin dry again due to aging, as in the area around the eyes and mouth.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Switch to brown rice

Switch to brown rice
Mahad Al Zaytun
Now, many people in Indonesia who switched from eating white rice to brown rice milled mashed (brown rice).  Brown rice has a nutty flavor and a little chewier than white rice.  Brown rice is still a lot of skin containing epidermis (bran) and is known to contain high fiber and can provide higher nutritional especially vitamin B5 which is generally hard to find on other food types. This rice also contains more magnesium, rich in fiber and fatty acids.  Due to the high content of it’s fiber in addition to high nutritious, brown rice is also able to prevent constipation that facilitate digestion.  High content of fiber also makes the stomach feel fuller and not hungry so easily suitable for you who are undergoing a diet program.

Brown Rice
Call it, the students of Mahad Al - Zaytun (Islamic boarding school for elementary, junior high and high school).  Here, all who live to consume brown rice. Three times a day, with various side dishes, and vegetables without seasonings major.  Brown rice is presented as white rice in various regions in Indonesia.  According to them, there was never any health complaints due to brown rice, although rather long adaptation because of brown rice and a rather unpleasant smell of grain, even, brown rice filling, so it is quite a bit alone makes the hunger disappear, and brown rice are not perishable,  even if left in place for 8 hours in wrapper paper.

Related articles:

- What is brown rice? And what are the benefits?

- Pasteurized Milk Made from Brown Rice


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A check of local supermarket chain showed that more people in Singapore who buy brown rice today.  Retailers and importers here reported increased sales of brown rice this year compared with last year.  Fair price see 20 per cent jump in sales volume although brown rice is still small.  The ratio of brown rice into white rice is sold three to 250.  A spokesman for Cold Storage said that brown rice is very popular with both customers and health-conscious parents.  In Lam Soon Singapore, which sells brand natural from organic brown rice, sales have increased by 160 percent since last year, said senior marketing manager, Ms. Tsai Sulina.

Ms. Pooja Vig of Clinical Nutrition notes that among Asians, Indians are genetically more prone to diabetes.  A study by the Singapore Eye Research Institute found that one out of three Indians in Singapore diabetes.  " White rice will increase the risk of diabetes because it has a higher glycemic index, which means causing blood sugar levels rise faster than brown rice, " he said, " Brown rice., with a lower glycemic index, is a healthy option such as broken down into glucose much more  slow. "

Dr Leong Lai Peng, a senior lecturer in food science and technology at the National University of Singapore Department of Chemistry, said: " It is always advisable to eat a rough version. If any component is removed, such as bran and germ layers of white rice, the nutrients are lost as well.”


Ingredients, Benefits and Effects of Almond

Blogger friend,
Almond on the tree
Although the almond is native to the Middle East, but at this time, many countries who grow almonds, among others, the United States, Spain, Syria, Italy, Iran, Morocco, Turkey, and China.

Almond is believed to have several benefits;
(1) Preventing colon cancer, because almonds help speed up 'food movement' in the colon. (2) Almond also has anti-inflammatory (inflammation) and strengthening the body resistance. (3) Recent studies indicate that the almond is closely related to decreased blood LDL cholesterol levels, and protect the liver.

Peeled Almonds
Almonds contain; 49% oil (62% omega-9 fatty acids, 24% omega-6 fatty acids, 6% palmitic acid). Amigdalae oleum, a type of almond oil, glyceryl oleate classified, has a mild aroma, and tastes the nuts. Almond oil is not soluble with alcohol, but soluble in chloroform or ether. Some of the nutrients contained in the almonds, as follows: 26% carbohydrate (12% dietary fiber, 6.3% sugar, and 0.7% starch), Vitamin E (i.e. 24 mg per 100 grams), unsaturated fatty acids (which can lowering LDL cholesterol), Vitamin B, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

However, almonds also can cause allergies in some of the symptoms varied, from local symptoms (eg, contact urticaria) to systemic symptoms (eg angioedema, urticaria, or discomfort in the abdomen / respiratory tract).

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Easy way to make almond milk at home

Blogger friend,

Almond Milk is poured into a Glass Cup
Almond fruit can be consumed directly, and also with processed. Almond fruit is actually not a nut, but a drupe consisting of the outer skin is covered with hard shell. Almonds can be made into milk, and sliced ​​almonds can also be added to ice cream, chocolate, or cake.

Milk made ​​from almonds, lactose free, cholesterol free as well. Almond milk has become a very popular drink, particularly in the area Sicily, Italy, and in Germany, but rarely sold in general, at the supermarket.

Almonds are ready to be blended
Making almond milk is very easy:
1.     Choose good quality almonds, no fleas and no worms.
2.     Skin peeled almonds
3.     Take one part of the volume (can be mixed in a disposable cup or mug).
4.     Soak with 3-4 parts water volume (the composition of water and almonds, 3:1).
5.     Cover and store in refrigerator one to two days maximum.
6.     Then blend almonds with the 'new water' for the same amount,
7.     Then filter (Should be used gauze filter from the meeting).
8.     Can add sugar or honey, and ready to drink.

(Do not remove the pulp screening, because it can be used as material to make a cake).

Almonds Blending
If not drunk immediately, store the almond milk in the refrigerator, so do not be sour / stale. This can happen because the almond milk is not cooked.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Brown rice milk? Why not ?

Why should brown rice? On its multiple benefits, brown rice is recommended for:
1.       People who are more exposed to pollutant (cigarette smoke, smoke, motorcycles, etc.)
2.       People with metabolic syndrome (obesity, especially central obesity (belly fat), low HDL cholesterol, hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension)
3.       Obesity / overweight people.
4.       Patients with diabetes mellitus
5.       The elderly (risk of coronary heart disease, diseases of malignancy, gallstones).

Brown Rice Milk
Blogger friend,
It is known that milk is believed to provide good benefits for the body, but many are still prohibition with animal milk (goat or cow), because lergi and so forth. Besides soy, coconut, almonds and rice, we can also make milk from brown rice, although not widely known by the public. This time, I want to share a bit of brown rice milk.  

The results of pasteurized milk, which is made from brown rice mention, that every gram of brown rice contains: 
Þ      Carbohydrates dissolved = 31.9 mg
Þ      Fat-soluble = 712.0 mg
Þ      Proteins dissolved = 51.9 mg (1:15)
Þ      Vitamin B1 dissolved = 17.9 mg 

The period of storage for 5 days (25 ° C, pH 5.03), and with the addition of edible film, the shelf life to one month (4 ° C, pH 5.84), without microbial growth, and raise the level of vitamin B1 dissolved into 25.5 mg of vitamin B1 / g of rice.

Tests on the milk brown rice, which include; aroma, flavor, color, thickness and texture, revealing, and it can be concluded, that the brown rice milk can be accepted by society, and can be used as a new alternative milk derived from plants (vegetables / fruits).

1. What is brown rice? And what are the benefits?

2. Switch to brown rice


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What is brown rice? And what are the benefits?

Brown Rice and White Rice
Brown rice is actually the same as white rice, even the content of calories, carbohydrates, protein and fat is the same. White rice is brown rice is peeled, so that the aleurone layer is lost and reduced benefits, that they have lost all vitamins B1, B3 and iron in rice. That way, brown rice contains fatty acids and fiber food that is higher than white rice. And rice bran oil may lower LDL cholesterol.

Organic brown rice, brown rice which is free of pesticides that contain arsenic / carcinogenic substances, exposure to it can adversely affect the various organs of the body including, skin, respiratory system, cardiovascular, immune system, genital system, reproductive system, gastrointestinal, and system nerve.

Some of the Benefits of Brown Rice

(1) The content of fiber in brown rice is useful in protecting the gastrointestinal tract; against constipation and the risk of colon cancer, slow the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood, thus stabilizing blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of gallstones.

(2) Essential fatty acids contained in brown rice is also beneficial for lowering cholesterol. Plus fiber, magnesium and vitamin B, brown rice also serves to protect the body against cardiovascular disease.

Brown rice that has been cooking
(3) The content of manganese (Mn) and magnesium (Mg) in brown rice is useful in the process of metabolism, and together with Calcium (Ca), go to function in maintaining bone health.

(4) Content of Selenium (Se) / mineral brown rice is an important function as an anti-oxidant and can increase endurance. Selenium is a component of glutathione peroxidase enzyme (an important role in the process of detoxification in the liver).

(5) Brown rice is also rich in phytonutrients, found in the epidermis, which is important anti-oxidants (such as quercetin, curcumin, ellagic acid, catechins). However, the epidermis of the brown rice is not easily oxidized so that makes it durable (become rancid).


fruit vegetable milk

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