
The paradigm of a healthy life in the modern era, is already highly developed, ranging from traditional medicine, modern medicine, as well as a variety of alternative medicine has taken a balanced role in world public health. We are thankful that there are no more gaps in the role and function, so that people who are intelligent coupled with information easily available, to determine their own way to health.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ingredients, Benefits and Effects of Almond

Blogger friend,
Almond on the tree
Although the almond is native to the Middle East, but at this time, many countries who grow almonds, among others, the United States, Spain, Syria, Italy, Iran, Morocco, Turkey, and China.

Almond is believed to have several benefits;
(1) Preventing colon cancer, because almonds help speed up 'food movement' in the colon. (2) Almond also has anti-inflammatory (inflammation) and strengthening the body resistance. (3) Recent studies indicate that the almond is closely related to decreased blood LDL cholesterol levels, and protect the liver.

Peeled Almonds
Almonds contain; 49% oil (62% omega-9 fatty acids, 24% omega-6 fatty acids, 6% palmitic acid). Amigdalae oleum, a type of almond oil, glyceryl oleate classified, has a mild aroma, and tastes the nuts. Almond oil is not soluble with alcohol, but soluble in chloroform or ether. Some of the nutrients contained in the almonds, as follows: 26% carbohydrate (12% dietary fiber, 6.3% sugar, and 0.7% starch), Vitamin E (i.e. 24 mg per 100 grams), unsaturated fatty acids (which can lowering LDL cholesterol), Vitamin B, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

However, almonds also can cause allergies in some of the symptoms varied, from local symptoms (eg, contact urticaria) to systemic symptoms (eg angioedema, urticaria, or discomfort in the abdomen / respiratory tract).

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